Back to the internet

Thanks to this quarantine, I took the time to reflect on the direction my life is taking and decided to make some changes, starting with my posts on social networks. Before, I used to put a lot of shit and obscure memes that meant nothing to almost anyone and now what I post on all my social media channels (Facebook, Twitter) doesn’t just mean something to me, but I hope it can mean something for other people as well.

After correcting my social media profiles, I started to improve the appearance of my personal website that has been on and off the air several times. For a while, I lost control of what I wanted and started posting things that had no real value or meaning and that were just there to make my site look more busy.
Sometimes we lose track of what is important and fall into bad habits that are difficult to recognize. That is why it is so important to take a step back from time to time to assess the direction our life is taking and how things in our lives are affecting us in a positive and negative way. In doing so, we can begin to make the necessary changes to improve the quality of our lives. We all get lost now and then, okay, as long as we don’t get lost forever.
After taking a look at the look of my site, I started redesigning completely and starting from scratch, something that worked perfectly. So I took a leap and deleted all the posts that I had already published to provide me with a blank sheet to start publishing only what seems appropriate.

And what can you expect? Well, first of all, you can expect to see high-quality, passionate, emotional, inspiring and fun articles, covering a vast collection of subjects directly from an author who hasn’t published before changing each word twenty times.
I hope you enjoy reading my publications as much as I do.